How to Make Wardrobe Design Choices Apr 15, 2024

There are many styles of closets available today, as we can get a little confused when choosing a closet, here are some suggestions to consider when choosing a closet design:

1. First determine your storage requirements. Evaluate the number and size of items to estimate the amount of storage space you will need.


Assess your needs of closet


2. Measure the space: accurately measure the available space in your closet. Take note of the height, width and depth of the area to ensure that the closet system you choose is appropriate.


Measure the space of closet


3. Determine your style: Closet designs come in a variety of styles, from traditional to modern, minimalist to luxurious. 


Determine your style


4. Consider function: Consider features such as hanging rods, shelves, drawers, shoe racks and accessory organizers. 


Consider function of closet


With over 20 years of manufacturing experience, YALIG is well placed to design a closet that matches your style and meets your functional requirements according to your preferences and requirements.

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